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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2022 in all areas

  1. Hey All, From what I can tell, Dalton's account got hacked. The discord was deleted in its entirety and his hacker both changed his user and closed his DMs. There's not much we can do until tomorrow since Dalton was offline at the time of the hack, but I'll try to keep everyone posted. Alex
    2 points
  2. Also yes, please please report the account “yujizadax#0001”
    1 point
  3. For people discovering they got kicked, yes. It was agreed by the founding admins to wipe the thing. Get all of you out, my apologies but it was the quickest way without pinging the whole server (hacker included). this is why we also have the forums, we will keep you updated and thank you for understanding!
    1 point
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