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Showing content with the highest reputation since 09/12/2021 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone apart and upcoming Forever Rail users, I'm Warren Schafer, an avid railfan in northern Maryland. I spend most of my days in Cumberland, Curtis Bay, and Brunswick, railfanning the Cumberland, Capitol, and Baltimore Subdivisions. I also spend my days coding in HTML, Java, CSS, being the webmaster for 4 websites, railfanmidatlantic.org, boycedepot.com, railwaymailserviceliberary.org, railwaymailservice.com. I also run 3 Linux camera, file, and phone servers. I've been playing Run8 for about a year, I play on NE occasionally, but play most on SE. I'm so thankful that a SE server has finally started. You'll most likely find me running as a DS, on the JA, JT, and JE desks, the one thing I can't screw up 🙂 I'm still new to prototypical local ops on SE, so please excuse any questions I may have that seem dumb.
    6 points
  2. Hey All, From what I can tell, Dalton's account got hacked. The discord was deleted in its entirety and his hacker both changed his user and closed his DMs. There's not much we can do until tomorrow since Dalton was offline at the time of the hack, but I'll try to keep everyone posted. Alex
    3 points
  3. Short, sweet and simple. Hey! I'm Max, I'm currently a senior in High School and a Cashier at Publix Supermarkets. I started in this community three and half years ago running my own servers, Florida and Georgia Run8, East Coast Railroad, and WMRT! I'm super excited to start my journey here at Forever Rail, and I hope we can do amazing things with this community! I'm quite knowledgeable with Southeast operations, and a bit about Northeast operations. I'm happy to be a Division Superintendent here as well! I can tell you, we've got a lot of huge things planned, just stick with us. I promise it'll be well worth it! I'll see y'all out there on the server's! Don't hesitate to message me, or my MoW Crew with any questions you may have!
    3 points
  4. Everyone, I like North American Railways very much, especially those beautiful graffiti carriages. I'm so obsessed with them. There is no doubt that run8 is the best simulated train software at present. Let's run all over the United States together, haha
    2 points
  5. I am Ben, and I'm an avid lifelong railfanner from the Cleveland Area.
    2 points
  6. Also yes, please please report the account “yujizadax#0001”
    2 points
  7. For people discovering they got kicked, yes. It was agreed by the founding admins to wipe the thing. Get all of you out, my apologies but it was the quickest way without pinging the whole server (hacker included). this is why we also have the forums, we will keep you updated and thank you for understanding!
    2 points
  8. Thought i share the picture i took back at the first of the year on the A line in Selma, NC. I think this was train Q409 With CN power. Hope yall enjoy the pic
    2 points
  9. On a Hot day in greensboro nc ns 165 with one of the new sd70acc leading Hope yall enjoy
    2 points
  10. Amtrak 78 pulls into Burlington Station on its way to Raleigh NC. Liked how this turned out. Took this back in March of 2020 Hope yall Enjoy
    2 points
  11. Hello Forever Rail Community and User. My name is Jamie Sexton and im from North Carolina and like to railfan and take videos and Pictures and also on my free time i do model railroading and help out with different museums in VA and NC areas. I also have helped out with the steam excursion on NS with 611, 630 and a few others. I have been playing run8 now almost 6 yrs and i have ran on the west and east coast but not so much on the northeast. I do have background for running locals, road trains and running a yard on different servers that i have ran with before. I also have dispatching background has well. Hope to see everyone on the high iron soon. Take care
    2 points
  12. 2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Just realized I never did a greeting… whoops!
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. In the heat of summer NS 212 hot shot intermodal on the piedmont divison passing CP Adams near Charlotte NC. Note The signals are From the Southern Railway Soon to be Replace sometime Hope Yall enjoy
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Super excited to have you here, Max! Welcome aboard!
    1 point
  19. Thanks for having me and giving me a chance to run with yall
    1 point
  20. Hello Warren! Welcome to Forever Rail as we are so excited to have you here! Well done on the websites as well and no worries as we all are new to some things. This is a community of learners, experts, and more. But there maybe something that some of us don't know and that were going to learn here. Can't wait to run with you in either of the severs and excited to have you as dispatch.
    1 point
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